The 9mm G3c is an improved G2c, and only costs $35 more than the outdated (now crap) model.
The G3c gives you an improved wider trigger, better sights for shooting the bad guys, forward slide serrations (now I can finally sleep at night), and a nice little scallop on the magazine extension.
Plus you get three 12 round magazines to boot!

The slide of the G3c is machined from carbon steel and covered with a black Tenifer finish that resists scuffing and has improved corrosion resistance over bluing. If you’ve got money to burn you can get an optional stainless steel slide.
The slide stop, magazine release and safety are drenched in a semi-gloss black Teflon finish. Teflon is supposed to offer smoother operation through reduced friction, much like the skillet your favorite omelet is made in.
And just so you don’t accidentally blow your foot off, the safety trigger has been improved on the G3c. This wider safety lever makes for less sore fingers. The added overtravel stop keeps the trigger from feeling too squishy.

Glock style pattern sights mean more options (like night sights and fiber optic sights), if you wish to change them out. Some Glock sites have been reported to hang off the back of the pistol too far and cause snagging issues. So choose carefully.

This gun breaks down to just five main pieces. In case you want to go full Rambo and field strip this this baby blindfolded while hanging upside down.
All in all, the G3c is the lowest price, reliable conceal and carry handgun on the market right now. Give it a look to see for yourself!